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MadiDrop+ Water Purification

Affordable water purification using silver nanoparticles


Silver ions are known for their ability to destroy the integrity of cell membranes and damage DNA of bacteria and virus. The technology is based on sustained release of about 50 parts per billion (ppb) of silver ions in a large volume of water. The MadiDrop+ contain millions of tiny silver clusters attached to a ceramic tablet. Ions released from the clusters and disinfect the water. The water is completely safe for human consumption.

A reliable approach for unreliable water sources. Low cost enough for everyone to use. Easy to store and stack until needed with an unlimited shelf life. Small and easy to transport in difficult terrains and environments.

No Chemicals

No Chemicals

Kills Pathogens

Kills Pathogens

Lasts 1 Year

Lasts 1 Year

This proprietary process creates millions of tiny silver clusters attached to the ceramic. Silver ions released from the clusters disinfect the water, and are completely safe for human consumption.
Madidrop+ in containerPlace a MadiDrop+ in 10-20 liters of water.
Madidrop+ working in a container of waterWait 8 hours (24 hours for dirty water)
What the madidrop+ kills and glass of waterDrink purified water
Reuse DailyReuse daily for up to a year
Families in India are using MadiDrop+
MadiDrop+ can save lives after a disaster
Madi Drop
For a $14.95 donation, you can have a MadiDrop+ for your emergency kit. Remember to buy one for your family and friends as well.